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The New Year and Weight Loss

2015 is rapidly disappearing and the new year brings the reminder of fresh starts and things to be done. One of the most common resolutions or goals people set forth is to drop a few, a lot or a ridiculous amount of pounds. I want to start off with words of advice, warning, encouragement and education.

First and foremost, beware of anything that promises quick results. Crash diets, fad diets, hundred dollar shakes or pills from some secret just discovered herb are as useful as a city full of politicians. Unfortunately weight loss is a “crockpot” process, there is no microwave way to get there. The question always arises – is it just calories in versus calories out, or is it more complicated. The true answer is “YES.” Sometimes it is just math, but more often there are a few more complicating factors. The adrenal gland, the thyroid gland, adiponectin and leptin all play a crucial role in weight loss success.

I feel it is of the utmost importance to get information and understand our mind’s and body’s state before we try to institute change. If things aren’t all lined up for success – any change will be a struggle. Deciding to eat healthy, lose weight, quit smoking or get out of debt are all fantastic ideas; however, if the mind and body aren’t right the odds of success are slim. I am a firm believer of getting information and data to understand our current condition. Starting off with knowledge is empowering, and it gives us a decisive advantage for victory.

Leptin is a hormone that we test for at ARIM. It is a master fat controller from the “gut” which communicates with the brain and regulates all things fat. Leptin has the ability to slow our metabolism, keep us hungry, make any food we eat get stored as fat or worse – do all of the above. If you have leptin resistance, the approach to weight loss has to be completely different from any other weight loss solution. The interplay of stress, adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction and leptin offer a serious obstacle to our health.

The Mediterranean diet and Green Food diet offer healthy and safe ways to eat. I always suggest Paleo diet for snacks, or the ocassional light day of eating. Lastly, Mean Green Juice – made at home with a juicer from scratch offers a great way to introduce gentle detox/cleansing into a healthy way to eat. Juicing also offers weeks worth of micronutrients in a days worth of time. If you would like to discuss in depth weight loss concerns, diet options and get tested for leptin resistance please make an appointment. I look forward to a successful 2016 – and here’s to your health and sucess in the future.