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The Statin Lie, Lp(a) and CoQ10

What are “statins?”  These are the group of medications that lower cholesterol by inhibiting a liver protein called a reductase(HMG CoA).  They were derived from the herbal medication red yeast rice.  The family members include pravachol, zocor, lipitor and crestor.  So why the title – “statin lie?”  These medications have been around since the late 1950’s and were part of initial research into ways of lowering cholesterol and heart disease.  During the research several components of cholesterol were discovered, and some were set aside for various reasons.  Also during that time, the inability to determine or measure cholesterol particle size did not allow researchers to get a complete picture of cholesterol metabolism and its function.

Fast forward 20 years to Houston, Texas, and Dr. Michael DeBakey – the father of cardiac bypass surgery.  In a journal article published in 1979, Dr. DeBakey stated in over 1700 cardiac bypass patients he found no association between the patient’s cholesterol levels and the amount of plaque and atherosclerotic disease present at time of surgery.  So no matter what the cholesterol numbers were, patients either had disease or they didn’t.  What was causing the plaques and blockages then?  As I mentioned, some of the cholesterol components discovered were conveniently forgotten or set aside as non-causes of disease.  So what is the real problem?  And why the lie?

Statins as a group have been known to cause abnormal liver function, muscle aches and breakdown(rhabdomyolysis), fatigue and even depression.  They are toxic to some patients within hours of taking them and can lead to permanent liver and kidney disease.  They also generate $30 Billion a year for the pharmaceutical industry, that staggering dollar amount may be reason enough to ignore their efficacy and run commercials during the Super Bowl.  While the statins change the total number of the cholesterol, they do little to decrease inflammation and cholesterol particle size.  If you listen closely to the commercials they state statin medications do not decrease the incidence of stroke, heart attack or death; so why prescribe them?  Just to give some background, there is HDL(helper or good) cholesterol, LDL(lousy or bad) cholesterol, ApoB(fluffy sticky bad) cholesterol, sdLDL(super dense hard pellet bad) cholesterol, triglycerides(pieces of fat that shuttle sugar in the body) and lastly Lp(a).  Excuse the grammar but that’s the best I could do.  Most physicians do not look at a complete cholesterol profile, and when they do they often do not understand the interplay of all the components.  The testing at our clinic allows us to measure and breakdown each part of the cholesterol panel, measure vascular inflammation and thus really manage the problem.  Statin drugs do not effect the triglycerides very much and do nothing to Lp(a).

Lp(a), most physicians even cardiologists, have never heard of such a thing.  This very special cholesterol component was discovered in the early 1960’s, and was largely ignored by the cholesterol researchers and big pharma.  It is a genetic problem, either you have Lp(a) or you don’t.  Unfortunately it is a really bad guy – it causes marked inflammation and is a direct factor in the cause of strokes, vascular disease and heart attacks.  Lp(a) can really only be effected by natural vitamins, amino acids and dietary changes.  There is no financial gain to be had there, and perhaps that is why medical students are not taught about it.  Treating disease naturally, and with the help of medications occasionally, is better for all involved.  Lp(a) is responsive to B complex and C vitamins, omega fish oils and amino acids given at higher than normal doses.  It is something that can be measured with a simple blood test and treated.

What is CoQ10 and why is it in this blog?  CoQ10 is a mitochondrial energy source – the mitochondria are the power plants of every cell in our bodies.  The mitochondria in all of us is inherited only from our mothers – dad’s mitochondria attached as the tail of the sperm, exhausts itself getting to the egg at conception.  So we can trace all our maternal lineage thru mitochondrial DNA.  Anyway, there are two common CoQ10’s – ubiquinone and ubiquinol.  This is where I ask that you always purchase your supplements from me or get my advice before spending hundreds of dollars on junk.  UbiquiNONE is the cheaper and more common CoQ10(think box store shelves), the saying is you get “NONE” of it.  It is not very absorbable by our body and is in fact a waste of money and effort.  UbiquiNOL is really the only choice – you get it “ALL” and it works.  Statins and even the herbal red yeast rice will deplete your cellular storage of CoQ10, and you will be tired and lethargic over a period of time.  So replacing CoQ10 is a must for anyone undergoing cholesterol treatment.

At ARIM we use cutting edge and novel testing for all these components, it is a simple blood draw just like at any physical.  We use Singulex testing lab to get the best information for our patients and devise the best and most appropriate treatment plan.  Knowing what to do with the information and how to guide patient therapy with it is what sets us apart from the rest.  Please like us on Facebook and leave a positive Google review.  Hope to see you soon.