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At Alamo Ranch Integrative Medicine, we are proud to offer our patients a world class IV therapy experience. Our IV therapies replenish vitamins and naturally revitalize our patients. The experience normally takes about 45 minutes & can be scheduled with our receptionist. Click on the titles below to read descriptions of our different IV therapies.

Infusion Therapies

  • Immune and Adrenal Boost

    This blend of high dose B Vitamins, Vitamin C, trace metals and minerals with a healthy amount of Magnesium combine to strengthen your immune system and combat fatigue by boosting your energy. This entry level infusion is great for fatigue and adrenal gland stress. It helps with recovery from the stress of daily life and to speed recovery from minor infections. These infusions work best in sets of 3 to 8.

  • Vitality and Super Recovery

    Designed for those people who are suffering from profound fatigue, chronic adrenal stress, asthma and allergies. The vitality is a great therapy for headaches, and is especially effective as a maintenance infusion for overall wellness. The vitality infusion has even more B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Magnesium and trace elements than our immune boost. It also has a large dose of Glutathione – an all natural anti-oxidant and anti-aging compound. IV delivery of Glutathione has proven the only effective way to get a therapeutic concentration in the body tissues and reverse “free radical” damage. This infusion is recommended in a set of 3 to 6.

  • Vitamin and Mineral Repletion

    This heavy duty infusion is packed full of B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium and trace minerals. Intended for those recovering from illness or going through a particularly stressful time. This infusion combines well with our Amino Acid infusion to bring a sense of calm and positivity to your well being.

  • Amino Acid Infusion

    This all natural infusion stands alone as a means for boosting mood, calming the mind and helping with sports recovery. Amino acids IV are excellent for those with malabsorption syndromes like “leaky gut.” It also effectively helps with auto-immune disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s disease and colitis. I have seen the effectiveness of this in combating depression, anxiety and fibromyalgia. Amino acid infusions are excellent for those patients recovering from chemotherapy and radiation associated with traditional cancer treatment. We combine this with the Vitality infusion in a comprehensive Depression/Anxiety IV Package.

  • Hydration/Inflammation and Sport Recovery

    Packed with B vitamins and Vitamin C, trace minerals and metals – this IV infusion is great for the weekend warrior or competition athlete. Any endurance sport will lower vitamin and mineral stores in the body, and for those who need a rapid recovery time this infusion is perfect. With the addition of Curcumin IV – this infusion is a fantastic anti-inflammatory treatment after a competition. We add a healthy dose of Glutathione to scavenge the “free-radicals” and repair the damage to body tissues caused during athletic competition.

  • Tranquility and Mood Package

    This set of infusions combines Vitamins and minerals with Amino Acids that form the building blocks of our brain transmitters. These series of infusions is an all natural treatment for Depression, Anxiety and Seasonal Mood Disorders. These infusions work best as a set of 6 to 12. We offer a generous discount due to number of infusions required.

  • The Hangover Reliever

    This infusion heavy on hydration, B Vitamins and Taurine is a sure fire help to get you going from a weekend or night of indulgence. We add some anti-nausea medication and IV pain relief medication to help with the headache. For a quicker recovery and turn around after the party is over.

  • Glutathione IV

    Glutathione is the only intracellular antioxidant found in the body. Which means it acts inside the cells to detoxify and reverse the aging process. Glutathione is able to maintain the body’s health and performance. By stopping free radical damage to the body and keeping other antioxidants, including Vitamin C and E, in their active form it prevents disease and illness. Glutathione helps the liver metabolize and clear toxins, helps with DNA and protein synthesis, and regulates both the nitric oxide cycle and the metabolism of iron. Studies of Centenarians (humans who are over 100 years old) in various countries, including Italy and Denmark, have found very high levels of glutathione in their cells.

  • IV NAD+ (The El Dorado) Infusion

    NAD+ or niacinamide is the charged form of the B vitamin Niacin. This all natural wonder has received attention from the traditional medical world because of its effects on Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s Dementia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and mitochondrial dysfunction syndromes. It is a powerful anti-oxidant and is a true anti-aging marvel. It is given as a stand alone infusion ingredient and works best when infused twice a week for 6 to 10 infusions. In memory of Ponce de Leon – this may be the real fountain of youth according to Time Magazine.

  • Time Magazine article about NAD

  • Vitamin Dr!p

    We provide our patients with Vitamin Drip IV therapy.
