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Core Restore Detox Day 7

So it’s Super Bowl Sunday and we are finishing up the core restore. I feel pretty good, there is a sense of relief knowing I can eat my comfort foods again and have the occasional glass of wine or dirty martini – shaken not stirred. The weight loss for me was minimal – about 3.5 lbs. The whole process was very eye opening with regard to the expense of healthy eating and the trouble finding good wholesome foods. I always knew our American diet was pretty bad, but this really shed some light on the magnitude of the problem. The shakes and pills are at their end, and I hope I’m at least 75-85% detoxed. My toxins begrudgingly left my body, but they left. I fasted most of Sunday, not for any particular reason but more because I wasn’t hungry. Once again I had some pretty intense cravings, but no abdominal discomfort or constipation.  It was hard to prepare to watch the “big game” knowing no wings, blue cheese or alcohol would pass my teeth. We had chicken and wild rice for dinner – it was delicious. We will be adopting some of the Core Restore recipes for our daily meals moving forward. The other thing we decided to do was to really reduce the amount of processed flour in our diet – to the point of buying a hand grinder, millet and amaranth. We will keep you all posted on that project.

I really want to extend my congratulations and sincere appreciation to all of you who joined us in this process. It warmed my heart to see so many fool heartedly agree to jump in and try this out. We will likely hold a Spring Wine and Cheese Retox party at the clinic – in preparation for the hot summer ahead.  I would also like to extend a big “thanks” to my Ortho Molecular Rep. Layla for all her insight and willingness to facilitate our group detox. We will be adding a nutritionist in the coming weeks at our clinic – Integrating the integration of wellness. I hope all of you who need help in the nutrition, weight loss and healthier eating departments keep her services in mind.  Sandy has years of experience and is ecstatic about being part of our Alamo Ranch community.

Lastly, I want to leave you with a quote from Oscar Wilde paraphrased as such, “Everything in moderation – even moderation.” So have fun with healthy food, smile a lot, laugh a lot, cry a little and raise a glass to life, friends and all the good things we enjoy. God bless and live well.

Dr. Sanchez

Now Patricia’s turn:

My 7 day journey will end today, and I am constipated. It’s obvious my distaste for water has caused some uncomfortable abdomen sensations. Constipation is something I rarely deal with but knowing it can be relieved by water has committed me to get over my fears and realize that drinking 3-4 Liters a day is my new way of life.  My total weight loss has ben been 5 lbs. I am very excited to know that 5 lbs in 7 days will be the jumpstart to my weight-loss journey. Unfortunately, I am at the heaviest I have been in over 7 years and this detox is just the starting point for my journey, not just for weight loss but for overall wellness. I love to cook and Teo has always encouraged my passion by purchasing multiple cooking books from sauces, french cuisines to desserts. Im looking forward to finding recipes and modifying them to a healthy calorie conscious meal. Eating clean is expensive and time consuming but I love my family and I want my loved ones healthy.  I want to teach our children that food can be enjoyable and medicinal. Its unfortunate that organic, non-GMO food is limited in our local grocery stores, I truly believe it should be the norm not the exception. I did speak with our Local HEB rep. and expressed my disappointment about the limited resources. He seemed very open to my suggestions and validated my requests to incorporate more  organic healthy items. Hopefully in the near future, we all can have variety of “clean foods” as we do with all the processed food- like substances that fill the grocery isles. This experience has been overall educational and rewarding. I have learned that prepping is key and planning is essential and to be creative with substituting foods that you have on hand. Lastly, I would like to thank everybody who has taken their time and commitment in joining us in this journey. Please feel free to log into the portal and discuss your journey and recipes…….God bless, Trish

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