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Core Restore Detox Day 3 and 4

Day 3: Still going – and feeling pretty good. I have been drinking a lot of water and today we get to eat. I am grateful for the calories because the past two days I have felt a mild brain fog that I usually feel when I haven’t eaten. The strawberry spinach salad for lunch was really good, not filling enough but good. After the hunger pains I had last night I’m thankful for anything to eat. I drank more water than the previous two days, and have had an unusually high output of urine. I’m not sure if this is a detoxification effect or just a natural diuresis. Dinner was the spaghetti squash and meaty marinara sauce. The smell of the fresh herbs and onions cooking was amazing – unfortunately the Chianti Classico wine was not on the Core Restore menu. As we ate the dinner I couldn’t help but crave a thick buttered garlic cheese bread slice – hwaaa hwaaa. The shakes went down better today and we stuck with the original recipe for those. The toxins and mucous are definitely exiting, once again no pain or cramping.

Day 4: Woke up with a bit of a headache, I’m not sure if this was hte weather change or the detox. I had some green tea and water early in the morning and that seemed to help. Also had an earlier BM than the previous days. I have been craving bacon and eggs for breakfast, unlike juice cleanses in the past, I seem to be having more cravings for comfort type foods. We tried the chocolate banana shake – I didn’t like it all and found myself choking it down. I drank a bunch of water to get rid of the taste of the cocoa. Lunch was a small spinach salad and some left over spaghetti squash and marinara. I am feeling pretty good, no real fatigue or aches – and the brain fog lifted with all the eating. I think it was a calorie thing. The second shake was the original formula. For dinner we had the chicken and cauliflower recipe – the fresh herbs were savory and the chicken was cooked perfectly. I had another BM in the afternoon – so went twice today. I am getting the feeling that I needed to do this detox, and once again I thank my patients for encouraging me to fit this into my busy work life. Feeling good and down about 3.5 lbs.

Patricia’s turn:
Day 3: Im really not a morning person, it typically takes a hour to really get me going, but today seemed to take more effort to get going. I guess my toxins are getting the best of me. But, this mornings Mixed Berry Smoothie went down a lot smoother than previous shakes. I followed the recipe to the T, except I added my mango flavored Orthomega fish oil. Either Im getting used to the taste or the slight modifications using the blender is helping with the initial grittiness. I actually played hooky from work and went grocery shopping. I went to our nearby HEB off Culebra and 1604 and was surprised how long it took to do the grocery shopping considering the limited organic groceries they had on hand. $294.89 and 1 & 1/2 hours later Im back at the office preparing our lunch. I decided to make the strawberry/avocado salad . I omitted the onions, olive oil and balsamic vinegar ( only because those items were at home), but I was grateful to be able to chew again. I’ve really been trying to drink more water, so I’ve been adding some organic lemon slices to enhance the flavoring. Dr. Sanchez was hungry at 3, so we had the rice cakes with almond butter. It was okay, not my favorite ( but I paid $7.00, so I made sure I ate it all!) If anything It did make me drink a couple of more glasses of water to help with the cardboard texture. Ive been using a fitness app to keep track of my calorie intake, its actually a cool helpful device to assist with the calorie tracking. You scan the item and it adds all the nutritional information and keeps log for you. I find that very helpful, especially since I want to keep my calorie intake less than 1,400. By evening, I was fussy and fatigued. At one point while driving, I nearly fell asleep, its a good thing we live close by. Dinner was the Spaghetti/Marinara sauce. I love spaghetti squash, so it was a delightful dinner. The sauce was flavorful- I’m sure it will taste even better tomorrow once it has had time to enhance the flavoring of the fresh herbs. I do recommend adding more than what it is recommended. I essentially doubled the herbs (oddly you always need more fresh herbs compared to dried herbs when cooking) I added crushed pepper flakes and omitted the mushrooms (only because I forgot them). I used 1lb of organic beef, which made 6 servings of food (yay, we can have left overs for lunch). The toxins are making their way out, my first BM since we started fasting (YAY).

Day 4: Once again, the morning was truly an obstacle. I feel exhausted even after 8 hours of sleep. I actually had some dizzy spells this morning. I tried the chocolate banana smoothie recipe with the added Orthomega fish oil, I actually had to add some stevia to help with the taste. I don’t think we will be doing that recipe again. It required a couple of glasses of water to get that taste out of my mouth Lunch was last night’s leftovers (really glad Sanchez is okay with leftovers, but at this point he just wants food! LOL) We had the strawberry-avocados spinach salad and spaghetti squash/marinara sauce, (which I was right, the flavoring was much better today). I’ve been urinating at least hourly, I think that’s a record for me. I hope its all the toxins coming out, because I have had more dizzy spells during the afternoon. I had my p.m. shake at 5 for a snack. I was actually able to get home by 7:00 which allowed me time to cook dinner and tomorrow’s lunch. I made the roasted chicken without the potatoes (I’m going to have to call Orthomolecular rep. and complain, they didn’t add the red potatoes to the grocery list) Instead of the mashed cauliflower, I roasted them in the oven with a tsp of sunflower oil and salt and pepper. Dinner was really good, that’s a recipe that will be repeated. Tomorrow will be the Quinoa stuffed Peppers. I charred some poblano peppers on the stove and peeled the skin and followed the given stuffing recipe, I put them in a glass pan and put it in the fridge for tomorrow. Excited to see how that recipe comes out. I’m down 2.5 pounds, from Tuesday. YAY……..

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