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Core Restore Detox Day 1 and 2

So we started the detox as planned February 1st, even though the brochure recommends doing so on a weekend. I unfortunately worked a day and night shift in the ER over the weekend and felt starting a detox in the middle of flip-flopping shifts was a bad idea. I have done juice fasts and cleanses before, but never with a group of patients and friends. SO lets start with the shake and hydration.

Day 1: I cheated a bit and had some coffee in the morning because I drink a lot of coffee and was worried about a bad caffeine withdrawal headache. I purchased some organic green tea for the rest of the cleanse to get some caffeine and to stay awake on any night shifts coming up. The shake I thought was pretty good, a bit gritty but good. It has the smell of Jell-o pistachio pudding from when I was a kid, so it was easy to drink. I chased it with a glass of water. I was very busy in clinic Monday thankfully, so drinking the 3 to 4 liters of water was tough. I didn’t experience any discomfort, but I did get a little hungry about 8pm. I drank some water and the feeling passed. First day went about as I expected, urine had a distinct odor and was concentrated – so I need more water. My bowels did not move today.

Day 2: Feeling pretty good, no coffee to make in the morning so I had more time to get to work. I drank 8oz of green tea and had some water at about 9am because I woke up thirsty. I actually had some hunger pains growling in my stomach by 9:30am. I had my shake and pills at about 10:30am which seemed to calm the hunger a bit. I drank a lot more water and proceeded with my day. The shake tasted better today for some reason. I did feel a little brain fog in the afternoon, not sure if its the detox process or the lack of extra calories. I had a BM in the afternoon, no pain, bloating or cramping, there was obvious toxic stuff moving thru and out of my system – I apologize for the TMI (sorry peeps). All in all energy was good, more hunger pains in the evening and still a touch of brain fog. We will see what eating brings and the work of chewing. Good luck to you all – we are definitely off to a good start.

Patricia wanted to give you her perspective:

Day 1: Ok, lets not beat around the bush, the first morning shake was gritty and dare I say not quite indulgent as Dr. Sanchez expressed. Our first shake was with 2 scoops of Core support powder, 6oz of unsweetened almond milk and 2 oz of water and 1 tsp of Orthomega liquid mango fish oil. I am a member of the LP(a) club and I figured I would continue my omega fish oil in addition to Alpha base supplements. An extra 8oz of water was used to wash down my first shake. First, I would like to say I am anti-water. As a previous full-time ER nurse and kidney stone patient, water is the route of all evil. In the ER we are always running around and drinking water leads to “peeing” and nobody has time for that. Additionally, drinking plenty of water leads to flushing out your kidneys and that means flushing out those pesky painful stones. (I know, I know, thats why you drink plenty of water in the first place to flush those stones and help prevent them from reoccurring- thats why it is said that nurses are the worst patients) If you ever had kidney stones you know exactly what I am talking about……….By 2pm I was barely on my third 8 oz glass of water and my urine was dark, making me realize I really needed to step up the water intake. By 5pm I was sluggish and craving carbs. I am a woman and women need Carbs! 9 pm I am finally home, exhausted but not very hungry, just very thirsty. I had my evening shake (same a.m. mixture minus the fish oil ) however, the p.m. shake went down a little smoother.

Day 2: I woke up this morning with a dry mouth and moody. This morning’s smoothie I decided to mix it up and instead of adding the extra water I mixed 2 scoops of Core support powder, 6 oz of unsweetened almond milk and 2 oz of ice with my Orthomega liquid mango fish oil mixed it up in my nutri-bullet. It was creamier and actually tasted better, less gritty. At lunch time, I indulged myself with some organic green tea and chased it down with water. Water and work. Water and work kept me going until 9pm. We had our shake (8oz almond milk with 2 scoops of Core support powder shaken not stirred:) I served it in a martini glass, I figured I would fool my eyes. Day 2 no BM, Im really going to have to push the water. The toxins must come out!!!

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